Bristol Historical Society Scholarship 2025
Applications for the 2025 Bristol Historical Society Scholarship will soon be available in the guidance office of each of the three local high schools or on the Historical Society website. Applicants must be legal residents of Bristol who plan on attending a two or four college/university and have a minimum of 3.0 B average for 7 semesters.
Criteria for selection are academic achievement, school or community involvement, work experience and an interest in Bristol history.
Bristol has had many interesting people, places, organizations and events in its past history. These have been depicted in the various Christmas ornaments on exhibit at the Bristol Historical Society. Select one of the 29 ornaments you wish to research and why it interested you. Please cite any sources you used in your research. Include your essay as a ONE page attachment with your application.
BHS 2025 Scholarship Cover Letter
BHS 2025 Scholarship Application
The Historical Society is found on the corner of Summer and Center Streets.
The recipient will read their essay at the Bristol Historical Society’s Annual Dinner. Please be sure to bring a copy with you to the dinner in August 2025.
BHS Scholarship Recipients
Michael Pasqualicchio
Bristol Eastern High School
Mitchell Gagnon
Bristol Central High School
Natalia Korpanty
Bristol Eastern High School
Sarah Larson
Bristol Central High School
Michaela Sassu
Bristol Eastern High School
Olivia Kilbourne
St. Paul Catholic High School
Colin Savino
Bristol Central High School
Desmond Deville
Bristol Central High School
McKenzie Lewis
Bristol Central High School
Caitlin Hildebrand
Bristol Central High School
Victoria Kosciukiewitz
Bristol Eastern High School
Colin Cavallari
Bristol Central High School
Brianna Wood
St. Paul Catholic High School